How Much Does Proofreading Cost?          

My basic proofreading service rate is $35.00 an hour, with a one-hour minimum charge. Higher rates may apply, depending on the complexity of the writing and the turnaround time needed. For regular clients, I often run a tab, waiving the one-hour minimum charge and billing them monthly.

Copy editing starts at $40.00 an hour, also with a one-hour minimum charge and an increase for highly technical or complex writing. 

Why do I charge by the hour rather than by the number of pages or words? Because every written piece is different, just as each of my clients is different. A page may have two errors or dozens of them. It may be in 12-point, double-spaced type or in 9-point, single-spaced type. It may contain illustrations and footnotes or a simple list. My rates are lower than most because I am both fast and accurate. On jobs that take more than four hours to complete, I may charge an administrative fee of 10 percent, in addition to the hourly rate; but rates for all of my services are reasonable, and remember, I provide accurate and free estimates so there are no surprises.

Not sure which you need? See “Proofreading vs. editing."

Payment terms are 30 days. On some jobs, I may ask for partial payment up front. I can invoice you through PayPal or bill your accounting department. 


© Eye Spy Proofreading 2017    (304) 676-9014